SRCB is grateful for all of you who have continued to believe in the mission that we carry – to deliver Transformative Ignacian Marian Education. TIME has been our primary weapon and inspiration as we also continue to strive even harder to deliver only the best that every student deserves especially at this time of distance learning.
And to show our most genuine appreciation to the overwhelming support we get from you and for those who have plans to be part of our growing family next academic year, we are giving away FREE SCHOOL KIT for the FIRST 100 OFFICIALLY ENROLLED STUDENTS for Grade 7 and Grade 11 starting May 3.
Yes! You’ve read it right. Starting May 3, 2021, all incoming Grade 7 and Grade 11 students who will be officially enrolled shall receive a school kit with complete learning essentials FOR FREE!!!
Make sure to bring the needed requirements for enrolment.
PS: If you are part of the Top 3 of your batch, get to enjoy the Voucher Program for SHS PLUS A SPECIAL OFFER you cannot resist!!!!
ENROLL NOW and YES, be part of #SRCBisMyHome FAMILY! 

(Watch out for all incoming Kindergarten and Grade 1 pupils for more surprises!)